Sunday 11 December 2011

A change will do you good

Nothing like a good change & addition to your wardrobe starting with a new pair of shoes & NailRock nail wraps & a bit of blues. A change is what i am giving myself. I am SOOO bored out of my mind. Things need to be shaken & not stirred & i need to be put in bin bag. I am sick of the winter illness that has swept upon me. You sneaky illness you.

Saturday 17th December- the heels are going on, I am going out with the girlies & i am going to rock my new shoes!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Miscellaneous Manchester

 A neat little trick my friend showed me.

 Lulu in the art cafe.

 Loved this one. Dave Grohl parading round manchester.
 The Monk of Manchester.
 Russian red head.

Just a few photos we picked up along the way round Manchester on a day out shopping. Loving the culture.


Here is another shiny spectacular item that my mum snatched up in the sales last year, but me being unaware of the fashion around me at the time, i used it to keep my bobbles in. MISTAKE OR WHAT?! I am ashamed of myself for that. However now, it has been out on many nights & days out with me & can safely say, it is no longer the bobble bag.

How he started my crave.

Hello lovies,
So the name of the blog 'He started it'. What i mean is that 'he' being my boyfriend, bought me these fabulous shoes after only four days of knowing him (this was before we got together obviously). The reason for this was because my heel fell off my shoe. It was so embarrassing. Anyway, he said he'd buy me some shoes, i said no to be polite, like i'd actually say no to a pair of shoes?
He had to get the most expensive ones that i had picked up. £175 from PIED A TERRE in Selfridges. I have never felt so happy & well looked after ever. All my other shoes have been £30 from Newlook, or £15 from Primarni.

Just look at these bad boys! I love them so much. Now i can't stop buying shoes! I'm saving up a big shoe spends pot for the next investment for my wardrobe. Oh it's a tough world...

Tuesday 30 August 2011

I like the feeling of importance from receiving loads of mail

In the past i have applied for so many prospectus' that the postman now hates me & now i have signed up for the glossy box. So excited. All you other bloggers rave about this amazing box of goodies, so i thought i'd give it a go. Bring on the products!